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Common Issues With Laravel Deployment And Their Solution

Common Issues With Laravel Deployment And Their Solution.

Deploying Laravel applications can often cause errors and mistakes. Issues are common during the deployment process.

These problems can range from configuration errors to server compatibility issues. Understanding them is crucial for a smooth deployment process. 

Laravel is a popular PHP framework. It offers a wide range of features, allowing one to develop highly complex solutions. Mistakes and errors are not uncommon during the development process. Some of the main types of mistakes include performance, maintenance, and deployment issues. 

This article explains some of the most frequent challenges developers face when deploying Laravel applications. It also offers details on the resolution of these issues. 

How to Deploy Laravel Application?

How to Deploy Laravel Application?.

Several methods are available to deploy a Laravel application. The one best for you depends on the complexity and scale of the project. Some of the popular tools that one can use to deploy it include Laravel Forge, MexoHub, Deployer, Capistrano, Ploi, and Docker. 

The wide range of options increases the level of complexity, thus leading to mistakes. Some of the factors to consider for every Laravel application include speed, security, and performance optimization. 

This makes the importance of a flawless deployment all the more vital. However, one is bound to face some hurdles during this process. Knowledge of which steps to take to solve these issues is crucial for any Laravel application. 

Common Issues With Laravel Deployment

Common Issues With Laravel Deployment.

1. Environment Configuration Errors

Laravel relies heavily on its environment configuration, which is managed through the .env file. This file contains sensitive information and configuration settings specific to the environment the application is running in (local, staging, production, and many more). 

A common mistake is not correctly setting these environment variables or forgetting to adjust them for the production environment. This oversight can lead to issues such as database connection errors, incorrect application behavior, or security vulnerabilities.

Solution: Before deploying, ensure that all environment variables in the .env file are correctly set for the production environment. Use environment-specific configuration files and secrets management tools to manage sensitive information securely.

2. Permissions Issues

Laravel requires specific permissions for the storage and bootstrap/cache directories to run smoothly. Incorrect file and directory permissions can cause it to behave unpredictably, often resulting in errors or a failure to log important information.

Solution: Set the correct permissions for the storage and bootstrap/cache directories as per the Laravel documentation. This usually involves giving the web server user write access to these directories.

3. Dependency Management with Composer

Laravel uses Composer for dependency management. A common deployment issue is related to differences in the PHP version or PHP extensions between development environments and production servers. This can cause compatibility problems or prevent the application from running altogether.

Solution: Ensure that the production server meets Laravel's PHP version and extension requirements. Run composer install --no-dev during deployment to avoid installing development packages in production.

4. Configuration Caching

Laravel offers a configuration caching feature to improve performance by compiling various configuration options into a single file. However, deploying with outdated configuration caches can lead to issues where recent changes in the .env file or config files are not reflected in the application's behavior.

Solution: Always clear and rebuild the configuration cache as part of the deployment process using the php artisan config:cache command. This ensures that the application uses the most up-to-date configuration settings.

5. Queue Workers Stalling

Laravel's queue system allows for job processing in the background. However, when deploying updates, existing queue workers might not be using the latest code, leading to inconsistencies or errors in job processing.

Solution: Restart queue workers as part of the deployment process to ensure they are using the most recent codebase. This can be achieved with the php artisan queue:restart command.

6. HTTPS and SSL Configuration

Securing your application with HTTPS is crucial, but misconfigurations in SSL or forgetting to enforce HTTPS can expose your application to security risks or cause mixed content warnings.

Solution: Ensure your web server is correctly configured to handle SSL certificates and redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS. Additionally, use Laravel's URL::forceScheme('https') in your AppServiceProvider to force asset URLs to use HTTPS.

7. Missing .htaccess File

The .htaccess file is crucial for URL routing in Laravel applications running on Apache web servers. A missing or misconfigured .htaccess file can lead to 404 errors for your routes.

Solution: Verify that the .htaccess file is present in your project's public directory and is correctly configured. This file is responsible for redirecting requests to the index.php file, enabling Laravel's routing to handle them.

8. Server Compatibility and Extensions

Server compatibility is a common issue, particularly regarding PHP versions and required extensions. Laravel has specific requirements that the server must meet, and failing to do so can prevent the application from running.

Solution: Check Laravel's documentation for server requirements and ensure your server environment meets these specifications. This includes the correct PHP version and necessary PHP extensions.

9. Database Migration Issues

Laravel migrations are a powerful feature for managing database schema changes. However, running migrations during deployment can sometimes lead to issues if the production database is not in the expected state or if migrations are not idempotent.

Solution: Always backup your database before running migrations in production. Use Laravel's migration features responsibly, ensuring that migrations can run multiple times without causing errors or data loss.

10. Ignoring Maintenance Mode

During deployment, especially when running migrations or performing major updates, it's advisable to put your application into maintenance mode. This prevents users from encountering errors.

Solution: Use Laravel's maintenance mode feature (php artisan down) before starting the deployment process and bring the application back up (php artisan up) once the deployment is successfully completed.

11. Logging and Monitoring

Issue: Inadequate logging and monitoring can make it challenging to identify and troubleshoot issues in a production environment.

Solution: Implement robust logging and monitoring solutions to track errors, performance issues, and application behavior in real time.


Deploying Laravel applications involves careful consideration of environment configurations, server requirements, and Laravel-specific features. Do this by addressing common issues such as environment configuration errors, permissions issues, and dependency. Ensure the deployment goes ahead without a hiccup by following best practices.